Thought for the Week: Jer 23/33

God Who Is Near

Time is running out for Judah.
Already a growing sense of doom
grips the nation. But even that
cannot deter Jeremiah from
his appointed task: declaring to
leaders and lay persons alike God’s
displeasure with their conduct.
Jeremiah singles out three kings
for judgment before turning his
attention to the Messiah who will
restore righteousness on the earth.
The nation will lie desolate for 70
years when the wrath of God is finally
poured out upon His wayward flock.
God pledges to reestablish the
nation after it has been purified
by the discipline of exile.

Praise be to God Who Is Near:
If they had stood in My counsel
and had caused My people to hear
My words, then they would have
turned them from their evil way.
Am I a God who is near (Elohei
Mikkarov) declares the Lord,
and not a God far off?Can anyone
hide in secret places so that I
cannot see him? (Jer is 23:22-24).
Call to Me and I will answer you,
and show you great & mighty things
which you do not know (Jer 33:3)

Lord, I am not to be dismayed
because You, Elohei Mikkarov
are always near me wherever I am.
I don’t have to be anxious about
the things I need because You are
close and You know what I need.
You are a God who is close to me
and I give You gratitude for never
abandoning or leaving me. Amen.

Lord, when I feel distant from You,
the fact is that You are not the one
who has wandered; for You are near.
Forgive me for being so far away
in my thoughts and in my heart.
Forgive me for not seeing You
when I am so blinded by my
own desires or my own pain.
Make me know Your presence and
experience You in all that I do. Amen

Lord, we want to live our lives
in the full awareness of You as
Elohei Mikkarov God who is near:
and for the full and abundant life
is found only in You. Show us
Your hand, Your heart & Your love.
And give us Lord signs of Your
abiding closeness in our lives.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.