Knowing God In Jeremiah 51

Lord God of Recompense (May 14)

Babylon the lady and greatest
enemy of Judah, will suffer the
same fate as the rest of Judah’s
ungodly neighbours. And Chaldea
shall be a spoil…and wholly desolate.
But Jeremiah concludes his
prophetic masterpiece with a
note of hope. Though Jerusalem
has fallen as predicted, her king
Jehoiachin is shown unexpected
kindness in Babylon. In the restoration of the covenant-breaking
king, Jeremiah pictures the future
restoration of this covenant-breaking
king, Jeremiah pictures the future
restoration of covenant-breaking
Judah by covenant-keeping God.

Praise Lord God of Recompense:
The sound of a cry comes from
Babylon, and great destruction
from the land of the Chaldeans,
because the Lord is plundering
Babylon & silencing her loud voice…
For the destroyer is coming
against her, against Babylon, &
her mighty men will be captured,
their bows are shattered; for
the Lord is a God of recompense
(Jehovah El Gemuwal),
he will fully repay (Jer 51:54-56)

Lord, You are a God who fully
repays when evil is done against
Your own. Because You repay
recompense, You will not leave
unchecked those who have
committed a foul against me.
Thank You Lord for bringing
recompense when I have been wronged. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jehovah El Gemuwal, forgive me
for trying to take my own revenge.
Forgive me for those times when
I’m angry because I am being
bullied or wronged and I forget
to trust in Your great name.
You know all and I don’t need to
tell everyone when I am wronged.
Rather I need only to look to You
Lord for You will repay. Amen.

Lord, defend the oppressed,
free those in bondage and
restore what has been lost.
Jehovah El Gemuwal, we call
on this name because You will
repay and will give strength
when we have been wronged.
We trust this name and ask
that You will manifest Yourself
as El Gemuwal in our lives.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.