Knowing God In Isaiah 26

Eternal Rock of Ages (April 20)

In Isaiah 24-27, the redeemed ones
vindicated at last, break forth
in spontaneous song, exalting
the Lord. Though often downcast,
the people of God now have some
-thing truly worth singing about:
refuge, deliverance and ultimate
triumph in the Holy One of Israel.

All Praise to the Rock of Ages:
You will keep in Perfect Peace
those whose minds are steadfast,
because they Trust in You.
Trust in the Lord forever, for
the Lord, the Lord Himself is
the Rock eternal (Isaiah 26:3-4).
O upright One, You make the way
of the righteous smooth. Yes Lord,
walking in the way of Your laws,
we Wait for You (v7-8). Amen.

Lord, You promise Peace to those
who Trust in You & set their minds
on You. Lord, You are my rock, You
are dependable and worthy of my
full trust. And I know as long as
I look to You, I cannot be shaken.
Though my heart may be troubled,
I choose to focus on You, believe
Your Word, pray Your Word & stand
on it. Help me make Your promises
the foundation each day. Amen.

Rock of Ages, Thank You for Your
promise that Your perfect peace
will guard my heart and mind.
In Christ I can be relaxed and be
at peace in the midst of confusion
and perplexities of this life. I need
Your peace as the list of tasks
and challenges replay in my head.
Help me do these things and trust
You with all my heart. And keep me
praying instead of worrying. Amen.

Lord, in accordance to Your Word,
I can have peace about the future
because I Wait upon U. Although
I don’t know the details about
what is to come, You know every-
thing & my future is in Your hands.
Help me to walk faithfully with
You each day in Your Word and
in prayer so that I can move into
the purposes You have for my life.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.