Knowing God In Psalm 99

The God Who Forgives (April 2)

In Psalm 103, the psalmist urges
you to count your blessings.
And psalms 98-102 provide plenty
of ideas to help you do just that
by focusing on the many things
for which you should be thankful:
your salvation (Psalm 98),
answered prayer (Psalm 99),
God’s mercy and truth (Ps 100),
God’s justice and holiness (Ps 101),
God’s care when u are down (P102).

All Praise to God Who Forgives:
Exalt the Lord our God, and
worship at His footstool. He is holy.
Moses and Aaron were among
His priests, and Samuel was
among those who called upon
the Lord and He answered them…
You were to them God Who Forgives
(El Nose), though you punished
their misdeeds (Psalm 99:5-8).

Lord El Nose, You are worthy of
all praise because the expanse
of Your love covers my sins.
You love me enough to teach me
through the results of my wrong
choices, but You are also there
when I turn to You for forgiveness.
My heart is filled with gratitude
for Your capacity to forgive. Amen.

Lord, some of my failures are seemingly mild, as when I doubt
Yr steadfastness or sovereignty.
Others may be more serious
as when I speak unkindly to
another person whom You love.
But Lord You know all of my sins.
I beg for Your mercy, and I am
grateful to receive it. Amen.

El Nose, help me not take lightly
the gift of Your forgiveness.
Remind me of the price Jesus
paid to offer me forgiveness.
Create in me a heart of gratitude
that will serve you with my life.
There is no condemnation for me
for I’m in Christ. Write this truth
on my mind & help me approach
Your throne of grace boldly. Amen.