Knowing God In Psalm 98

The Lord The King (April 1)

In Psalm 103, the psalmist urges
you to count your blessings.
And psalms 98-102 provide plenty
of ideas to help you do just that
by focusing on the many things
for which you should be thankful:
your salvation (Psalm 98),
answered prayer (Psalm 99),
God’s mercy and truth (Ps 100),
God’s justice and holiness (Ps 101),
God’s care when u are down (P102).

Praise be Jehovah Ha-Melech:
O sing to the Lord a new song!
For He has done marvellous
things. The Lord has made known
His salvation.He has remembered
His mercy and His faithfulness.
With trumpets and the blast of
the ram’s horn, shout for joy
before the Lord, the King
(Jehovah Ha-Melech)-Psa 98:1-6

Jehovah Ha-Melech, we applaud
You for all that You have done.
With honour we lift up Your name
for You’re our Saviour and our King.
Thank You for the hope You give
in knowing You as ruler over all.
We proclaim to all that we are
Yours for we belong to You.
And we offer our life to You. Amen.

Lord, I confess of placing
myself as my own ruler instead
of looking to You as my King.
I follow my own thinking and make
my own decisions; and as a result
reap my own consequences.
Forgive my audacity for trying to
usurp your rightful place in my life.
Pardon my iniquity and take Your rightful place as King of my heart.

Lord Jehovah Ha-Melech,
May Your kingdom come;
May Your will be done.
May all that U desire be brought
to bear on earth as it’s in heaven.
May we align ourselves to You
to show You how much we
honour and respect You.
And we purpose You to reign in
all we do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.