Knowing God In Genesis 2

Jehovah Relational God (Jan 6)

Overview: The first two chapters
of the Bible begin at “the beginning”.
Chapter I gives a concise overview
of the progress of creation event,
climaxing in the creation of man.
Chapter 2 takes a zoom-lens look
at day six. There the details emerge
of how God’s image-bearers were
created – man from the dust of
the ground and woman from his rib.
The stage is set, the characters
are in place, the drama can begin.

All Praise be to Jehovah:
This is the account of the
heavens and the earth when
they were created, in the day
that the LORD (Jehovah) God
made earth and heaven…
And the Lord God formed man
of the dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life; and man became
a living being (Genesis 2:4-7).

Lord Jehovah, You are worthy
of all praise and adoration.
You are the God who made
the heavens and the earth.
You rule over all, and yet You also
seek relationship with Your creation.
Thank You for sustaining our
lives and delighting in our souls.
Thank You for not only being high
and lifted up but also dwelling
among the lowly. Thank You for
desiring to Be Close to us. Amen.

Jehovah, I come before You with
a heart of contrition, knowing that
I often have not honoured You
enough as Lord & master of my life.
You’re a Relational God who desires
to walk with me just as You walked
with Adam & Eve in the early days.
You wait for me to talk to You; and
yet I’ve wasted on futile distractions.
Forgive me for often seeking to
walk alone & ignoring the joy and
blessing of Your presence. Amen.

Lord Jehovah, to know You more
deeply and experience the depth
of this intimacy is my heart’s desire.
Give me Lord the capacity to Love
You more deeply as I receive Yr love.
Delight my soul with Your word and
with fresh insight of the Holy Spirit.
Slow my steps so that abiding
with You will become a way of life.
Help me to Honour You as King
and to advance Your kingdom.
And dear Jehovah Relational God
please Draw Me Close to You. Amen