Experiencing God In Rev 15-19

Trust God In Control (Dec 31)

Then seven angels emerge with
the seven last plagues, which
involve boils, blood, scorching
heat, darkness, pain, earthquakes,
hailstones & titanic confrontation
at a place called Armageddon.
Then John sees doom of Babylon
and a great multitude in heaven
sings praises to God in anticipation
of the marriage supper of the Lamb.
A white horse emerges, mounted
by the King of kings who destroys
the beast and the false prophets.

Lord, You are Great & In Control:
And I saw… those who have the
victory over the beast..They sing the
song of Moses & song of the Lamb:
Great & marvellous are Your actions,
Lord God Almighty. Just and true
are your ways, O King of the nations.
Who will not fear & Glorify Yr name?
For You alone are holy. All nations
will worship You for Your righteous
deeds hv been revealed (Rev 15:2-4)
Many will make war agst the Lamb
but the Lamb will overcome them
all because He is the Lord of lords
and the King of kings (Rev 17:14).
Let us rejoice and be glad and give
Him glory! For the wedding of the
Lamb has come and His bride has
made herself ready (Rev 19:7).

Lord, this song was sang by Moses
as the Israelites celebrated their
deliverance from Egypt and will be
sung at the end of times when the
redeemed of the Lord are gathered
after their victory over forces of evil.
Help us realize You are in control
even in the midst of challenges.
And praise You for the marvellous
deeds You be executing to bring
about Your purposes on earth. Amen

Lord, the end times is a warning to
Christians who have grown apathetic
and an encouragement to those
who faithfully endure life’s struggles.
It reassures good will triumph over
evil, gives hope as we face trials and
emboldens when we waver in faith.
Lord, our prayers rise up to You;
and we will Overcome with You; for
You are King of kings & Lord of lords.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, we praise and thank You for
You have promised that our future
is good to be with You in heaven.
We praise You for future redemption
of the world & all things in our lives.
You alone are holy and worthy to
receive adoration, glory and honour
May the things that distract us
and excuses for not abiding in You
fade in the light of Your glory. Amen