Experiencing God In 2 Cor 4

Press On through Trials (Nov 10)

Paul opens his 2nd epistle to the
Corinthians by establishing his
authority & source of his revelation.
He then praises God for what
He has done. In contrast to the
old covenant which condemned,
the glorious new covenant sealed
by Jesus’ own blood, makes
God’s ministers bold & effective
in calling people to repentance.

Lord, we will Tap to Your Power:
We have this treasure in earthen
vessels, that the excellence of
the power may be of God and not
our own. We are hard-pressed on
every side by troubles but we are
not broken. We are perplexed but
we don’t give up and quit… God
never abandons us (2Cor 4:7-9).
All this is for your benefit….
Therefore we do not lose heart.
Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being
renewed day by day (v15-16).
Our present troubles won’t last
very long. Yet they produce for us
an immeasurably great glory that
will last forever! So we don’t look at
the troubles we can see right now;
rather we look forward to what we
have not yet seen. For the troubles
will soon be over; but the joys to
come will last forever (17-18) Amen

Lord, Thank You for designing me
to be a clay jar with an amazing
treasure inside. Although the
circumstances may press me
down, You never abandon me.
May others see Your power and
light through my life. And may
You be glorified in my weakness in
this earthen vessel that I am.Amen

Lord, I really need Your help to keep
from focussing on current troubles.
For they loom so large and appear
so relentless that I feel like giving up.
Help me fix my gaze on You and
the realities that I cannot see
right now with my physical eyes.
Help me not to lose heart but
instead renew me with Your
encouragement day by day.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, Help me focus my eyes
clearly on the eternal, for that
will put my present troubles into
a proper perspective. Help me
to see You as You are, to perceive
You with my spirit & not just with
my mind. And help me to realise
that You are in me and I am in You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.