Meditating on Daniel 7-9

God At Work in the World (Oct 31)

Whilst the first half of Daniel’s book
centres around prophet’s personal
adventures; the second half
focuses on his prophetic visions.
God’s people now find themselves
under Gentile domination. But even
world powers do not rise or fall
without the consent of almighty God.
In remarkable collection of prophetic
glimpses, Daniel sets forth both
the near and distant future of God’s
chosen people – a future filled with
purifying judgment and blessing.

Dear Sovereign Lord, we note
that Daniel’s visions gave the
captives added Confidence that
You God is In Control of history.
Help us Not give in to pressures
of challenges and temptations
of the sinful way of life around us.
Lord, we Seek Your Vision/Purpose.
Lord, we Commit Future to You.
Lord, we appeal to Your Mercy.
In Jesus’ precious name, we pray.

Lord, we seek Your Purpose:
O Son of Man, You will come
with the clouds of heaven. In the
presence of the Ancient of Days,
You will be given dominion and
glory and a kingdom, so that people
of every nation and language will
worship You. Your dominion is
an everlasting dominion that will
not pass away, and Your kingdom
is one that will never be destroyed.
I, Daniel was troubled in spirit, and
the visions that passed through
my mind disturbed me (Dan 7:13-15)
Lord, we present our imagination
to You for Your holy purposes.
Fill us with pictures ofYour purposes.
Let us see the calling You have
placed before us. Show us what
You are using. And inspire us with
prayers and actions to step into
the stories You present to us. Amen

Lord, we Commit Future to You:
From one of the prominent horns
came a small horn whose power
grew very great. It extended toward
the glorious land of Israel… He even
challenged the Commander of
heaven’s armies by canceling the
daily sacrifices offered to him and
by destroying his Temple(Dan8:9-11)
He will be a master of deception,
defeating many by catching them
off guard…(and) destroy them. He
will even take on Prince of princes
in battle, but he will be broken,
though not by human power (v25).
Lord, noted that Daniel’s vision
portray the rise of the Greek empire
and the menace of the little horn
(Antiochus) through his defiance of
God and desecration of the Temple.
Lord, we realise the antidote to
depression is not a pretence that
things are not so bad after all; but
rather affirm that the end is in the
hands of God who will triumph.
Help us Lord to face fearlessly evil
& commit our future to You. Amen.

Lord, we appeal to Your Mercy:
Now our God, hear the prayers
and petitions of Your servant…
O my God, incline Your ear and
hear; open Your eyes and see
our desolations and the city which
is called by Your name. We do not
make requests of You because
we are righteous, but because of
Your Great Mercy (Dan 9:17-18).
Lord, I come to You, not because
I am worthy, but because You are.
You are full of Mercy, and I need
Your Mercy extended to me today.
I need help with many things but
especially certain situation in my Iife.
Grateful Your help isn’t dependant
upon my good works, but upon
Your goodness, love & grace. Amen