Post of the Week: John 4

Nourished by Obedience

Jesus’ ministry is not confined at
any time & in all places He is ready
with a word and a healing touch.
Nicodemus comes by night seeking
answers and finds the miracle of
the second birth. The Samaritan
woman comes seeking water
at the well and leaves to tell
her city about a source of living
water that will never run dry.
Jew or Samaritan, religious leader
or religious outcast, Jesus’
compassion knows no bounds.

Lord, You Satisfy our Longings:
Jesus said to her: If you knew who
it is who says to u: Give Me a drink,
you would have asked Him and He
would have given you living water…
Whoever drinks of this water will
thirst again, but whoever drinks
of the water that I shall give them
will Never Thirst (John 4:10-14).
The woman went back to the village
and told everyone: Come and meet
a man who told me everything
I ever did! Can this be the Messiah?
So the people came streaming from
the village to see him (v28-30).
The disciples said to one another:
Has anyone brought Him anything
to eat? Jesus said to them: My food
is to do the will of Him who sent Me
and to finish His work (v34). Amen.

Lord, You are the only one who
can satisfy the longings of my soul.
Remind me that nothing in this
temporal world can bring lasting
fulfilment to an immortal soul.
The life that You give is my internal
source of continual refreshment.
Teach me Lord the discipline of
looking to You alone for whatever
my soul may need each day.
And make me Lord a source
of encouragement and help to
those who are spiritually dry. Amen

Lord, forgive me when excitement
over knowing You has waned.
Grateful for what You had done,
I want others to know You Lord and
experience Your work in their lives.
Use me to spread the Good News,
to be Your disciple & make disciples.
Let me be so amazed by what You
reveal to me that I won’t hesitate
to share the hope with others;
notably those yet to know U. Amen.

Lord, from John gospel I realise empowerment follows obedience.
Now I can understand why when
doing Your work I don’t seem to be hungry until the work is completed.
Although I need nourishment and
rest for the physical body, following
the will of God is refreshing too.
It is amazing how physical energy
flows from supernatural wellspring
when doing what God called. Amen

Meditating on Ezekiel 33-36

New Life for New Israel (Oct 11)

Ezekiel’s emphasis shifts from
the failures of Judah’s past to
the promises of Judah’s future.
Jerusalem has fallen, and the
prophet’s tongue silenced for three
years is loosened at last to declare
that a new Shepherd is coming.
As a Leader to the leaderless,
He will tenderly care for the flock
of Israel, rescue His people from
their scattered homes of exile, and
restore them to their covenant land.

The Bible is about what God has
done, is doing and will do in order
that both God’s people and the
nations ‘will know that I am the Lord’.
From today’s readings onwards,
times of perplexity and judgment are
past; despair has given way to hope.
As we look at the world today, we
are reminded that God is sovereign
and holy, He is a God of hope and
encouragement; and that He has
good things in store for us all !!
Let us position ourselves correctly.
Lord, grant us Repentant Heart;
Lord, grant us Caring Heart; and
Lord, grant us Responsive Heart.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Lord, grant us Repentant Heart:
Give the pple of Israel this message:
You are saying, Our sins are heavy
upon us; we are wasting away!
How can we survive? As surely
as I live, says the Sovereign Lord,
I take no pleasure in the death of
wicked people. I only want them
to turn from their wicked ways so
they can live. Turn! Turn from your
wickedness… Why should you die?…
The good works of righteous people
will not save them if they turn to
sin, nor will the sins of evil people
destroy them if they repent and
turn from their sins (Ezek 33:10-12).
Lord, relieved that You God doesn’t
enjoy punishing people, nor does
You abandon us when we stray away.
You prefer that we turn from our sins,
seek forgiveness & follow You again.
Realised no matter how far we have
gone astray, we can always come
back to God for You want us back.
Help us Lord to confess our sins &
affirm Your right to lead us. Amen

Lord, grant us Caring Heart:
Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flocks? (Ez34:2)
As a shepherd looks after his scattered flock when he is with them,
so will I look after my sheep. I will
rescue them from all the places
where they were scattered (Ez34:12)
So I… will separate you strong sheep
from the weak. You strong ones…
chase off those that are weak,
but I will… no longer let them
be ill-treated (Ezek 34:20-22).
Lord, Thank You that as the Good Shepherd U care to meet our needs.
Grant our pastors and leaders grace
in their responsibility as shepherds
to take care of needs of their sheep.
In this world of injustice, make us to
always care for the weaker sheep.
Provide us Lord with opportunities
to serve and may we be quick to respond to the needs around us.
Let us care for others as You do.
Bless us Lord so that we may bless
the world with Your love. Amen.

Lord, grant us Responsive Heart:
(The Lord said): I will give you
a new heart and I will put a new
spirit in you. I will take out your
stony, stubborn heart and give
you a tender, responsive heart.
And I will put my Spirit in you
so that you will follow my decrees
and be careful to obey my
regulations (Ezekiel 36:26-27).
Lord, lead me by the power of Your
Holy Spirit so that I will always obey
Your Word and follow Your laws.
Give me the discipline I need to do
what I must do. Thank You that
You have put Your Holy Spirit
within me to guide me in all things.
Help me to follow Your leading and
not run ahead or behind chasing
after my own self-centred ways.Amen