Meditating on Ezekiel 24-32

Rejection Brings Judgment(Oct 10)

When Ezekiel’s wife dies, God does
not permit the prophet to exhibit
mourning, which pictures the deep
grief soon to befall Judah. Next
the prophet turns the verbal missiles
of God’s judgment upon Judah’s
neighbours, showing that no nation
is exempt from God’s discipline.
Ammon, Moab, Edom, Philistia, Tyre
– each will be powerless to escape
the edge of His unsheathed sword.
As Ezekiel moves through the four
points of the compass, he focuses
at last on Egypt, the longtime enemy
of God’s people. In contrast to so
many of Judah’s neighbours, Egypt
would not be totally destroyed, but
would be reduced to insignificance.
After scattering them, He would
raise them up again and they shall
know that I am the Lord (Ez 30:26).

Pride can become the most serious
of spiritual sins. Without tempering
influence of large doses of humility,
pride tends to become arrogance,
conceit, selfishness & a whole host
of damaging traits abhorrent to God.
The Lord detests the proud of heart
and they will not go unpunished.
Lord, help us Guard Complacency.
Lord, help us Guard Rejecting You.
Lord, help us Guard Against Pride.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Lord, help us Guard Complacency:
The Lord said: Ezekiel… I’ll suddenly
take the life of the person you love
most. But I don’t want you to… cry.
Mourn in silence and don’t show
that you are grieving… One morning
I was talking with the people as usual
and by sunset my wife was dead.
The next day I did what the Lord
told me, and when people saw me,
they asked: Why aren’t you mourning
for your wife? I answered: The Lord
God says: He is ready to destroy
the temple in which you take such
pride and which makes you feel so
safe. Your children who now live in
Jerusalem will be killed(Ez 24:15-21)
Lord, it’s very easy for us to be like
the Israelites. We feel a sense of
security in trappings of faith like
church attendance or good deeds.
But God sees what we really trust in & challenges us not rebel but put our trust in Him. Following God means
no complacency but embody His message to those we meet. Amen.

Lord, help us Guard Rejecting You:
Prophecy against the Ammonites…
Because you said “Aha! over My
sanctuary when it was desecrated…
therefore I will stretch out My hands
against you and give you as plunder
to the nations… I will destroy your,
and you will know that I am the Lord..
Because the Philistines… took
revenge with malice in their hearts…
I will carry out great vengeance on
them and punish them in my wrath.
Then they will know I am the Lord
(Ezekiel 25:1-7, 15-17). Amen.
Lord, we note that these people
brought disaster on themselves
by refusing to acknowledge God.
For God is the God of all peoples.
God is still in control of all today;
and finally He will judge all people.
Help us as Your people not to be careless; but instead be watchful.
Help us to know You as Saviour
and not just as a judge. Amen.

Lord, help us Guard Against Pride:
All people of Egypt will know that
I am the Lord… When Israel leaned
on you, you broke and stabbed her…
This is what the Sovereign Lord says:
I will bring an army against you…The
Egyptians will know… I am the Lord.
Because you said: “The Nile River
is mine; I made it,” I am now the
enemy of both you and your river.
I will make the land of Egypt a totally
desolate wasteland (Ezek 29:6-11).
Lord, the Nile is the source of fresh
water cut through the desert and
turned barren land into fertile soil.
Rather than thanking God for this
provision, the Egyptians proudly
boasted: The Nile is mine; I made it.
God’s provisions come in many
forms and each gives us opportunity
to say “Thank You Lord.” Each also
tempts us to boast especially if we
have invested a great deal of time
and energy in the good we enjoy.
Help us to be watchful and thankful
for all Your provisions. Amen.