Nurture Reflection on John (Oct 9)

Experiencing God thro Obedience

John’s collection of evidence makes
the most compelling testimony and
portrayal of Jesus as Son of God
and His full right to demand our
ongoing trust and obedience to Him.
This week we learn the importance
of faith and the ways to reflect it,
thus positioning ourselves rightly
in order to encounter His presence.
On Monday, we learn from John 1 to
Receive the Revelation of the Lord.
On Tuesday, we learn from John 3
to Believe to Have Eternal Life.
On Wednesday, we learn from John
4 to Be Nourished by Obedience.
On Thursday, we learn from John 5
to Watch and Join God at Work.
On Friday, we learn from John 8
to Be Light of the World as well.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Experiencing God In John 8

Be Light of the World (Oct 9)

Early in His ministry, Christ issues
a challenge: Search the scriptures
for they testify of me (Jn 5:39).
Now His public declarations and
miraculous demonstrations serve
to confirm what the Old Testament
said would be true of Him. Using
the Jewish feast days as public
forum, Jesus declares Himself
as the Bread of Life (6:35),
the Sent One of God (7:28),
the Forgiver of Sins (8:11) and
the Light of the World (8:12).

Lord, You are our Light of Life:
Jesus said: Woman where are
those accusers of yours? Has
no one condemned you? She said:
No one Lord. And Jesus said:
Neither do I condemn you; Go and
sin no more. Then Jesus spoke to
the people: I am the Light of the
World. He who follows Me shall
not walk in darkness, but have
the light of life (John 8:10-12).
The Father has not left Me alone,
for I always do those things
that pleases Him (John 8:29).
To the Jews who had believed him,
Jesus said: If you hold on to my
teaching, u are really my disciples.
Then you will know the truth, and
the truth will set You free… So if
the Son sets you free, you will be
free indeed (Jn 8:31-36) Amen.

Father God, thanks for sending
Your light in Jesus to us, for
lighting up our own dark places
& every difficult situation we face.
Though God has not promised
joy without sorrow or peace
without pain; He has promised
strength for the day, rest for
the labour and light for the day.
Grant that we will Be Bearers
of Your light and so bring hope
and encouragement to someone
who needs You this day. Amen.

Lord, help me learn of You to always
do those things that please Father.
Help me no longer be motivated by
personal ambition; but rather learn
a purer motive to please My Father.
Help me train to approach every
situation and decision with the
question: How can I please Father.
And in times of frustration, help me
maintain an attitude that is pleasing
to my loving Father in heaven. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for the promise
that we can be released from
sin’s terrible penalty and power.
For You Christ came to set us free
from condemnation, shame and
trapped in destructive lifestyle.
And it is an amazing truth that
You have set me free to obey You.
Teach me to believe the paradox
that I am most free when I am living
as Your servant. Help me to better
understand Your grace. Amen.