Meditating on Ezekiel 12-19

Parables of Judgment (Oct 3)

Ezekiel illustrates his messages
with dramatized parables. He
packs his bags and exits the city
through a hole dug in the wall to
symbolise Judah’s upcoming exile.
He then attacks the sins that
have led Judah to this sorry end:
prophets who have whitewashed
wrongs instead of preaching
repentance, and elders who
have led the nation into idolatry.
Judah has become fruitless,
fit only for judgment.

Although these passages deal with
the punishment of God’s rebellious
people, there is an overriding
impression of God’s longing for
His beloved people to turn to Him
in repentance. But false prophets
had risen with a people-pleasing
message of peace. God in His
righteous anger punished them
and exposed their lies; a false sense
of security would deny the hearers
the chance to repent and enter his
blessing. Ezekiel faithfully preached
his unpopular message of judgment
which was fulfilled as spoken.
Lord, we pray against rebelliousness.
Lord, we ask for deliverance fr idols.
Lord, we seek a Fresh Start. Amen.

Lord, we pray against rebelliousness:
The Lord said: Ezekiel… you are
living among rebellious people…
They have ears but refuse to listen…
Pack a few things as though you
were going to be taken away as a
prisoner… The leader of Jerusalem
will be led away to city of Babylon…
His troops will scatter… The Lord
will force the rest of the people in
Jerusalem to live in foreign nations..
Some of them will survive… That
way they will be able to tell… that
it was the Lord who punished them
in this way (Ezekiel 12:1-3, 11-16).
Lord, we note Your warning against
spiritual rebellion for it can lead
us unable to hear things clearly.
You are sovereign & Help me to
acknowledge Your lordship in my life.
Use me Lord to point people to You,
let my life reflect Your presence and
may my words echo Your teaching.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, deliver us from idols:
Tell the leaders of Israel: This is
what the Sovereign Lord says:
The people of Israel have set up
idols in their hearts and fallen
into sin, and then they go to
a prophet asking for a message.
So I the Lord will give them the
kind of answer their great idolatry
deserves (Ezekiel 14:4, 9)
Lord, we confess having wandering
hearts and we each have some
inclinations towards idols at times.
We confess having the tendency
to hear only what we want to hear.
So deliver us from evil Lord and
guide us into Your truth; whatever
Your truth entails for my life. Amen.

Lord, You Promise Fresh Start:
Rid yourselves of all the offences
you have committed, and get
a new heart and a new spirit.
Why will you die, O house of Israel?
For I have no pleasure in the death
of one who dies, says the Lord God.
So turn and live (Ezek 18:31-32).
Lord, take away everything in my
heart that is not right before You.
Help me to get rid of bad attitudes
and wrong thinking. Show me
anything that has taken root in
my heart that should not be there
so that I can free myself of it before
there is a serious price to pay.
Help me clear the slate and
begin again with a new heart
and a right spirit. Amen.