Nurture Reflection on Luke (Oct 2)

Experiencing God thro Obedience

Luke is a very humanitarian gospel
focusing on what Jesus teaches
and portrays Him as the perfect man
who came to seek and save the lost.
This week we learn the importance
of compassion & the ways to reflect
it, thus positioning ourselves rightly
in order to encounter His presence.
On Monday, we learn from Luke 1
to wholly Believe the Word of God.
On Tuesday, we learn from Luke 5
to Care for the Needy and the Lost.
On Wednesday, we learn from
Luke 10 to Witness for the Kingdom.
On Thursday, we learn from Luke 14
to Have Compassion for People.
On Friday, we learn from Luke 19-21
to Join Christ to Seek the Lost.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Experiencing God In Luke 19-21

Join Christ to Seek the Lost (Oct 2)

It is now in the final week of Jesus’
earthly life. In the city of Jerusalem,
there’s excitement of the feast days
– some preparing to welcome a King,
while others preparing for execution.
Jesus draws battle lines by driving
the money-changers fr the temple.
From then on, the religious leaders
double their efforts to trap Him.
Though His hour of anguish draws
near, Jesus continues the activities
that have characterised His ministry:
teaching, healing and affirming.

Lord, we will also Seek the Lost:
Then Zacchaeus said to the Lord:
Look, I give half of my goods to
the poor; and if I’ve taken any thing
from anyone by false accusation,
I restore fourfold. Jesus responded:
Salvation has come to this home…
And I have come to Seek and save
those…who are Lost (Luke 19:8-10)
    A certain man planted a vineyard,
leased it & went away… I’ll send my
son…When the farmers saw his son,
they said: Let’s kill him and get the
estate. So they murdered him… The
owner will destroy those farmers &
give the vineyard to others(20:9-16)
And there will be signs in the sun,
in the moon & on the earth distress…
Then they will see the Son of Man
coming in a cloud with…great glory.
Take heed… lest your hearts be
weighed down… Watch Out and
keep praying…and the Son of Man
will be pleased with u (Lk 21:25-36)

Lord, U reached out to Zacchaeus
even when others despised him.
Thank You for Seeking and saving
those who are Lost. Open our eyes
to even the despised that we might
see them and reach out. Help us
to look beneath the surface to the
person within, created in Your image.
Help us have Burden for the lost &
Befriend those seeking You. Amen.

Father, I won’t forget what Your Son
Jesus has done for me. You sent
Him to earth & He was dishonoured.
But I purpose to honour Him & not
take for granted His sacrificial love.
Father, thanks for not giving up on
me; even when I fail to listen, You
draw me back to You. In gratitude,
I purpose to Further Your Kingdom
and grant me grace to do so. Amen

Lord, Help us remain Watchful of
Your second coming, not to fall into
careless living; or allow anxieties
to burden us; but instead remain
focussed on the assignments that
God has prepared for each of us.
Open our eyes to those seeking You;
and sow seeds of kindness to earn
the goodwill to share the gospel.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.