Preview on Ezekiel (Sep 26)

Lord’s Judgment & Restoration

As the Bible is arranged by genre,
to enhance understanding context
we’re meditating by time sequence.
OT1A: Genesis
OT1B: Poetry Book of Job
OT1C: Life of Moses (Exo to Deut)
OT2A: History to David (Josh-1Chr)
OT2B: Five Books of Psalms
OT2C: 1 Kings & Wisdom Poetry
OT3A: 2 Kings & Prophets
OT3B: 2 Chronicles & Prophets
OT3C: Return From Exile & Prophets

2 Chronicles spans four centuries of
Judah’s history from glory days of
Solomon to end of Babylonian Exile.
Moving to prophets, Isaiah’s ministry
spans reigns of four kings of Judah
(722-681BC) stressing holiness
of God and coming of the Messiah.
Then five minor prophets to Judah
including Obadiah (840BC) and
Joel (830) as well as Micah (735-10)
Zephaniah (630) & Habakkuk (607).
Then Jeremiah written 627 to urge
God’s people to turn from their sins
followed by Lamentations (586 BC).
Next, Ezekiel written about 571 BC.

Ezekiel born as a priest but ministers
as a prophet during the last days
of the decline and fall of Judah.
While Jeremiah stays in Jerusalem
Ezekiel preaches to exiles in Babylon.
Similar to Jeremiah in pronouncing
God’s severe judgment on the
faithless nation, Ezekiel also adds
a blessed note of hope – God’s
promise of a restored nation in
the future. Emphasising the glory
of the Sovereign God, Ezekiel
portrays God’s purpose through
both judgment and blessing “that
all might know that I am the Lord.”

We will meditate Ezekiel over four
weekends over following 8 divisions:
Ezek 1-6: Signs and Sermons
Ezek 7-11: Departing Glory
Ezek 12-19: Parables of Judgment
Ezek 20-23: Pictures of Sin
Ezek 24-32: Judgment if Enemies
Ezek 33-36: New Life for Israel
Ezek 37-39: Revived Bones
Ezek 40-48: Revived Worship
Lord, Your message of judgment
points to Your unchanging holiness;
but You also have messages of
restoration & hope for the people.
Grant us grace Lord to submit
to Your rule in our life. Amen.